Laquita Howard
I’m Laquita Howard from Mitchellville, MD. My wine journey started with a wine direct sales and marketing company in 2017, I took this opportunity because I love wine and to earn some extra money. My love for wine turned it into a passion to learn more. Because of COVID, I couldn’t do as many tastings. However, I knew I needed to stay connected, I took the education route to learn more, and in January of 2022, I earned my WSET Level 1 Certification. In February of 2023, I was employed with District Winery, DC as a part time Wine Educator. This job has given me the opportunity to network and learn even more about wines. I am often asked, “when did you know you had a love for wines?” and I must thank my grandfather. I grew up in a region of Eastern, North Carolina full of Muscadine and Scuppernong grapes. My grandfather was a sharecropper and amateur wine maker who made wine with any fruit he grew. I am grateful to him and thankful that in this industry I can appreciate the grower, harvester, winemaker, bottler, and educator/taster. #YesSheCan means so much to me personally and professionally, I am inspired by other women of color in this industry and having the opportunity to learn, grow and advance is important to me. To be selected as a #YesSheCan2023 recipient, I am beyond grateful. Receiving this award will assist me to earn my next WSET Level Certification and support my career path in wines as a certified wine educator/consultant and allow my journey in wines to “harvest”.